
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sulfur Recovery Unit

Sulfur Recovery Engineering Unit Sulfur Removal Unit (SRU): SRU is widely used to recover sulfur-containing, poisonous acidic gas in oil refinery process. The most commonly used process in claus sulfur recovery practice is Claus Process, which is to burn the incoming gas with oxygen, refrigerate the burnt gas and recover sulfur from the burnt gas. SRU converts sulfur gas such as H2S into elemental sulfur, so as to convert waste into treasure and protect the environment. Application of SRU: 1. Separate sulfur from sulfur-containing oil 2. Recover the wasted material efficiently 3. This unit can reach rather high sulfur purity Advantages of SRU: 1. SRU reduces the pollution of refineries greatly, and it's environmental friendly. 2. SRU turns H2S into useful material, reduce power consumption, can being huge economic benefits. 3. Harmless processing of H2S which was produced during the refining process. More details of claus unit, please leave us a message. Through decades of

Semi-regenerative Reforming

Semi-regenerative Reforming (SRR): With the help of heating, hydrotreating and catalyst, semi-regenerative reforming is a process which is used to convert petroleum refinery naphtha distilled from crude oil (typically having low octane ratings) into high-octane liquid products called reformates, which are premium blending stocks for high-octane gasoline. Compared with other regenerative reforming types, semi-regenerative reforming crude oil has advantages includes low investment, low operating fee…etc. Semi regenerative petroleum reforming can also be applied in various production scales. Application of SRR: 1. Widely used in petrochemical industry. 2. In the hydrogenation, heating, high pressure conditions for light gasoline fractions or naphtha can be processed to be re-gasoline. 3. High-octane petrol is produced by using SRR. 4. Large amount of aromatics will also be produced. Advantages of SRR: 1. PCC's SRR can save catalyst and other materials to the maximum extent 2.

Isomerization Unit

Isomerisation unit : converts linear molecules such as normal pentane into higher-octane branched molecules for blending into the end-product gasoline. Also used to convert linear normal butane into isobutane for use in the alkylation unit. Application of Isomerization in Petroleum Industry Unit: 1. a key equipment in producing clean gasoline 2. an important method for oil refinery factory to increase light fraction octane number. Advantages of Isomerization Unit: 1. Advanced processing method 2. Short delivery time and economical price. If you want to know more details of oil refinery engineering , please visit our website.

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC): FCC is one of the most important conversions processes used in oil refinery process. The purpose of FCC unit in refinery is to transfer heavy crude oil into light oil. Under the action of heat and catalyst, upgrades the heavier, higher-boiling fractions from the crude oil distillation by converting them into lighter and lower boiling, more valuable products like cracking gas, gasoline and diesel oil etc. Application of FCC: 1. Many products includes ethylene, petrol, diesel, Heavy diesel, slurry oil… etc. could be obtained by using FCC. 2. PCC’s FCC has a high catalytic efficiency. 3. One of the main methods of secondary processing of oil, in the role of high temperature and catalyst to make heavy oil cracking reaction, into crack gas, gasoline, and diesel. Advantages of FCC: 1. The process of blowing air can make the oil refinery catalyst regeneration, recycling. 2. Subsequent reaction heat is provided by hot regenerative catalyst to reduce

Diesel Hydrotreating Unit

Diesel Hydrotreating Unit (DHT): uses hydrogen to desulfurize the naphtha fraction from the crude oil distillation or other units within the refinery. Application of DHT Refinery : 1. Remove impurities and polluted elements from diesel fraction with a high efficiency 2. PCC's DHT can increase the performance of diesel product 3. The production process of diesel can be more environmental friendly by using our unit. Advantages of DHT: 1. The energy consumption of PCC's DHT product is very low 2. The price of PCC's DHT product is economical If you want to know more details of diesel hydrotreating unit process and gas oil hydrotreating process, please visit our website. PCC was established in 1993, and it’s a state owned company by Tianjin University which is ranking No.1 in chemical and oil refinery engineering in China. PCC has a factory size of 145,064m2 and currently employs more than 350 people with various responsibilities in design and R&D, project manageme

Crude Oil Distillation Unit

Atmospheric crude distillation unit (CDU): is the first processing unit in virtually all oil refineries. The CDU distills the incoming crude oil into various fractions of different boiling ranges, each of which are then processed further in the other refinery engineering units. The CDU is often referred to as the atmospheric distillation unit because it operates at slightly above atmospheric pressure. The products of CDU include gasoline, kerosene, light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, heavy oil…etc. Application of CDU: 1. Widely used in oil refinery field. 2. Gasoline, diesel, kerosene can be obtained in this process. 3. The different components are collected and utilized separately. Advantages of CDU: 1 Advanced manufacturing method and quality 2 CDU equipment are inspected under ASME standard. 3 Professional services, economical price, short delivery time 4 Can ensure the full use of the various components to reduce energy consumption

Modular Oil Refinery

Catalog of Modular Oil Refining Plant Mode Capacity (BPD) Power (Kw/d) Fabrication Period (month) Area (Acre) Skid Number Weight (Ton) MR10 1000 150 5 1 5 120 MR30 3000 200 5 2 7 160 MR50 5000 275 6 2 8 200 MR100 10000 350 6 3 11 375   EPC Scope of Work for Modular Floating Oil Refinery   EPC Scope of Work No. Item   By PCC By End-user 1 Feasibility Study Engineering   √ 2 Basic Design √   3 Detail Design √   4 Budgeted Deliverables √   5 local government approval and supervision   √ 6 Purchase Requisitions √   7 Parsed MTO Procurement √   8 Purchase Order √   9 Transportation & Logistics √   10 Release to Construction √   11 Contracts √   12 General Const.Plan Construction √   13 Civil work   √ 14 Piping √   15 System Turn-over √   16 Start-up & Commissioning √   17 Performance Run √   18 Turn-Over to end-user √     OSBL & ISBL Scope of Work       No. Item   By PCC By End-user 1 10000 BPD CDU+VDU Inside Battery Limits √   2 Tank Farm Outside Battery Limits   √ 3 Water Sup