Processing Units Of Oil Refinery

Oil refining processes are the chemical engineering processes and other facilities used in petroleum refineries (also referred to as oil refineries) to transform crude oil into useful products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline or petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel oil and fuel oils.

Processing Units of PCC Oil Refinery

PCC's oil refinery usually consists of processing units like CDU, VDU, NHT, DHT, SRR, FCC, SRU, and Isomerization unit etc.

             Crude Oil Distillation Unit (CDU): is the first processing unit in virtually all oil refineries. The CDU distills the incoming crude oil into various fractions of different boiling ranges, each of which are then processed further in the other refinery processing units. The CDU is often referred to as the atmospheric distillation unit because it operates at slightly above atmospheric pressure. The products of CDU include gasoline, kerosene, light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, heavy oil…etc.

Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU): further distills the residue oil from the bottom of the crude oil distillation unit. The vacuum distillation is performed at a pressure well below atmospheric pressure. The vacuum distillation unit is widely used to separate substance that decomposed, oxidized or polymerized at a temperature far below the boiling point at CDU condition.

Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT): uses hydrogen to desulfurize the diesel fraction from the crude oil distillation or other units within the refinery.

Diesel Hydrotreating Unit (DHT): uses hydrogen to desulfurize the naphtha fraction from the crude oil distillation or other units within the refinery.

Semi-regenerative Reforming (SRR): With the help of heating, hydrotreating and catalyst, semi-regenerative reforming is a process which is used to convert petroleum refinery naphtha distilled from crude oil (typically having low octane ratings) into high-octane liquid products called reformates, which are premium blending stocks for high-octane gasoline. Compared with other regenerative reforming types, semi-regenerative reforming has advantages includes low investment, low operating fee…etc. Semi regenerative reforming can also be applied in various production scales.

Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC): FCC is one of the most important conversions processes used in oil refinery process. The purpose of FCC unit is to transfer heavy crude oil into light oil. Under the action of heat and catalyst, upgrades the heavier, higher-boiling fractions from the crude oil distillation by converting them into lighter and lower boiling, more valuable products like cracking gas, gasoline and diesel oil etc.

Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU): SRU is widely used to recover sulfur-containing, poisonous acidic gas in oil refinery process. The most commonly used process in sulfur recovery practice is Claus Process, which is to burn the incoming gas with oxygen, refrigerate the burnt gas and recover sulfur from the burnt gas. SRU converts sulfur gas such as H2S into elemental sulfur, so as to convert waste into treasure and protect the environment.

Isomerization Unit: converts linear molecules such as normal pentane into higher-octane branched molecules for blending into the end-product gasoline. Also used to convert linear normal butane into isobutane for use in the alkylation unit.


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