
Showing posts from March, 2022


  PCC's advisory personnel will advise client's local technicians and operators with respect to, and will demonstrate basic fundamentals of, successful plant operations during the commissioning process. Such training will include the following:   Control Software Training This oil refinery training  will take place in the China at a time and place to be determined jointly by the Parties.   On-the-Job Controls Training PCC China   will provide on-the-job service (“OTS”) training advice at the refinery site for client's personnel regarding the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of local instrumentation (temperature, level, pressure, and flow) and remote control instrumentation.   On-the-Job Rotating Equipment Training PCC will provide oil refinery training course  at the refinery site for client's personnel regarding the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of rotating equipment (mechanically-sealed centrifugal pumps, seal-less centrifugal pumps, positive-di

Modular HCL Tail Gas Scrubber

  Project Name 45000m3/h HCL tail gas scrubber 25000m3/h HCL scrubber Location Daman, Saudi Arabia Time November, 2014 Client Steel wire rope manufacturer Scope of work EPC PCC  China  provides EPC service, including process engineering design, pipe match, equipment design & manufacture, electrical appliance & meter installation, site installation guidance, commissioning and startup, training etc. Description The client provided the tail gas component and the local emission requirements. The discharge tail gas content is much lower than local emission standard This project was delivered within 45 days, finished installation and commissioning in 5 days. Evaluation The plant is running stably since started in November, 2014. The client is very satisfied, and develop long term cooperation with PCC.

Vacuum Distillation Unit

  V acuum D istillation E quipment for S ale C rude vacuum distillation unit  (VDU): further distills the residue oil from the bottom of the crude oil distillation unit. The vacuum distillation in petroleum refining  is performed at a pressure well below atmospheric pressure. The oil vacuum distillation equipment  is widely used to separate substance that decomposed, oxidized or polymerized at a temperature far below the boiling point at CDU condition.     Application of vdu unit in refinery : 1. Widely used in oil refinery field.   2. PCC's VDU have a high separate efficiency.   3. The heavies are further separated to obtain a product of pure purity, so as to increase product yield.     Advantages of VDU: 1. Advanced manufacturing method and quality   2. Professional services, economical price, short delivery time   3. VDU equipment are inspected under ASME standard   Peiyang  Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. (referred to as PCC) is a leading EPC contractors in oil & gas fields an

Isomerization Unit

  I somerization unit : converts linear molecules such as normal pentane into higher-octane branched molecules for blending into the end-product gasoline. Also used to convert linear normal butane into isobutane for use in the alkylation unit.   Application of I somerization in P etroleum I ndustry  Unit: 1. a key equipment in producing clean gasoline   2. an important method for oil refinery factory to increase light fraction octane number.   Advantages of Isomerization Unit: 1. Advanced processing method   2. Short delivery time and economical price.   If you want to know more about isomerization process in refinery , please visit our website.   As one of modular refinery suppliers , we will do pur best to meet all customers ’   needs.

Heavy Hydrocarbon Removal Unit

  HRU – Heavies Removal Unit Heavies H ydrocarbon R emoval  Unit (HRU) is used to remove C3+ hydrocarbons from feed gas. The operation of a HRU is based on the deep refrigeration provided by vapor ethylene to produce reflux to NGL recovery columns.   The process includes direct heat exchange process, NGL/LNG integrating process, and freezing process. HRU can be operated with or without liquefaction unit.   HSU -- Heavies Separation Unit Heavies Separation Unit (HSU) is installed in conjunction with HRU. Once NGL has been removed from the natural gas stream, it must be fractioned into base components, which can be sold as C3 LPG and C4+ hydrocarbons products. 3D Model of HRU   If you want to know more about refinery engineering , please visit our website.  

Unidad de isomerización

  Unidad de isomerizacion : convierte moléculas lineales como pentano normal en moléculas ramificadas de mayor octanaje para mezclarlas con la gasolina del producto final. También se usa para convertir butano normal lineal en isobutano para usar en la unidad de alquilación.   Aplicación de la Unidad de Isomerización: 1. un equipo clave en la producción de gasolina limpia   2. un método importante para que la fábrica de refinería de petróleo aumente la fracción ligera del índice de octano.   Ventajas de la unidad de isomerización: 1. Método de procesamiento avanzado   2. Tiempo de entrega corto y precio económico.   If you want to know more about oil refinery engineering , please visit our website.